Monday, April 26, 2010

Does Summer Hurt or Help Writers?

As Summer quickly approaches I'm beginning to wonder how the season impacts the writing industry. Summer throws so many different variables at us. First, if you have school-age children they are now home, the weather many days is hard to ignore and there is always a good summertime event to be found. How do writers deal with this?

I've learned to try to incorporate Summer into my writing routine. Instead of staying glued to my table where my laptop lives I like to move outside to my patio. Here I can enjoy the weather and get my writing done. Some of my best articles and chapters have been conceived outside. And I know from speaking to other writing friends that many of them also love the great outdoors. One day I would even love to write at a lake house or beach house. To me that would be the ultimate relaxation!

For me though, Summer brings on a heavier workload. One of my freelance jobs is with I am the Houston Budget Event Examiner ( You've probably guessed it from the title but I follow budget events in the Greater Houston area and Summer is always flooded with them! So I always know to allow more writing time for these assignments.

I'm lucky though. I'm still waiting on my baby's arrival later this summer so for now I don't have too many distractions. How do writers manage their time during the Summer months? If you're a writer please share your tips!

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